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Apr 17
DFG funding extended until 2024

Based on our follow-up proposal, the German Research Foundation (DFG) decided in November 2019 to extend the funding for the DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST of the University of Rostock (funding reference: GRK 2000) until 31.12.2024. Thus, the DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST (Spokesperson: Prof. Bernd Lennartz) will be funded for a total of 9 years, which corresponds to the maximum funding period for DFG Research Training Groups. Accordingly, up to three cohorts of RTG Baltic TRANSCOAST doctoral candidates (at least thirteen doctoral candidates per cohort) can do their doctorates.

The research of RTG Baltic TRANSCOAST is supported by the existing high-quality infrastructure of the two institutions University of Rostock and Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Rostock-Warnemünde (IOW).

Link to partner IOW


Aug 10
13 new PhD positions in Biology, Ecology, Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Hydro(geo)logy, and Engineering, University of Rostock and Leibnitz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW), application deadline ends 7.09.2018

The University of Rostock together with the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) are seeking 13 highly motivated PhD candidates for the DFG Research Training Group ‘Baltic TRANSCOAST’. The program will start on January 1st, 2019 (2nd cohort). The salary ranges from 75% to 100% of a TV-L E13 position for 3 years, depending on the working group. 


The Research Training Group ‘Baltic TRANSCOAST’ investigates hydrological, biogeochemical and biological processes at the interface of a coastal peatland and the Baltic Sea at a site near Rostock. It is expected that the intensive exchange processes are modulated by sea level changes and occur above ground and below in sediments.. Water fluxes and solute transport through the coastal ecotone and along the coast, microbial processes, and the interaction of benthic animals and plants with their environment are the major topics of research. 


PhD candidates will gain profound knowledge on specific processes combined with an overall, inter-disciplinary knowledge of coastal processes. Moreover, they will receive intensive training in soft skills and attend courses provided by the Baltic TRANSCOAST education scheme and the Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock.

For more information see the  PhD topics

Or directly jump to the application form APPLY NOW

Link to the advertisement:
Link to the page with new topics and online application form:


Please note, that the application period ends on September 07th 2018 24:00. We will only consider applications that have reached us until this date via this application form.


Apr 09
Baltic TRANSCOAST booth at the EGU European Geosciences Union, 8.-13.04.2018, Wien

​​​The General Assembly 2018 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria, from 8–13 April 2018. The assembly is open to the scientists of all nations. Visit Baltic TRANSCOAST booth X2D04 in hall X2.

The DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST presents itself at a booth in the X2 hall. If you would like to learn more about our interdisciplinary research, our goals, our team and our search for 13 excellent and passionate doctoral candidates (starting 2019) then come and visit us at booth X2D04 in hall X2. 

Photo: Baltic TRANSCOAST booth at EGU 2018: Dr. Janßen and Dr. Brede (Photo: B. Lennartz)​​


We are seeking 13 excellent, passionate PhD students (for the 2nd cohort, starting 2019) that enjoy working in a diverse scientific team bridging terrestrial and marine sciennces in coastal research. 

Interested young scientists can get in direct and personal contact with our colleagues from Baltic TRANSCOAST DFG Research Training Group (Prof. Lennartz, Dr. Jurasinsky, Dr. Janßen, Dr. Brede, etc.) and receive further information at the booth X2D04 in the X2 hall.

Further information about the EGU conference and the exhibitors represented next to Baltic TRANSCOAST can be found hereEGU_wxa6449S_400x400.png


University of Rostock

DFG Research Training Goup


Albert-Einstein-Str. 21

18059 Rostock


Feb 09
Baltic TRANSCOAST Phd Students and Fellows at Ocean Sciences Meeting 11.-16.02.2018, Portland, Oregon, USA

11 PhD students of DFG-Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST (GRK 2000) from the University of Rostock and Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde (IOW), Germany, go there (OSM 2018, Portland, USA) as part of qualification programme in order to present their work and research results in form of posters and presentations (Sessions), accompanied by Dr. Lennartz (Spokesperson), Dr. Voß (Vice Spokesperson) and Dr. Stefan Forster (PI) from the DFG- Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST of the University of Rostock.​ We are pleased that our DFG-​​Mercator Fellow Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad from the University of Waterloo and his colleagues (Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen, et al.)​ also presenting joint research results in posters there. ​


Photo: M. Kreuzburg, Baltic TRANSCOAST Team at OSM 2018, Portland, USA. 

Baltic TRANSCOAST Sessions: 

(here in reverse chronological order, 16.02. -12.02.)


CD53A  Land-Ocean Linkages Along Shallow Coastlines Under Human Impact II – (Orals)​

Oregon Convention Center- Oregon Ballroom 202, 2:00-4:00 pm

Matthias Kreuzburg: CD53A-02 Potential relationship between runoff from a coastal peat land on methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in shallow waters of the Baltic Sea

Viktoria Unger: CD53A-05 Production High, Consumption Low - Microbial Evidence for Heightened Methane Emissions in Rewetted Fens

Lennart Gosch: CD53A-06 Hydraulic properties of coastal fen peat as subjected to seawater impact

Hanna Schade: CD53A-08 In situ investigation on advective influence in permeable sand​


CD44B: Land-Ocean Linkages Along Shallow Coastlines Under Human Impact I - Posters

Oregon Convention Center – Poster Hall 4:00-6:00 pm​

Fouzia Haider: CD44B-0169: Combined effects of salinity and sediment reworking on burrowing behavior and bioenergetics of a marine bioturbator, the soft shell clam- Mya arenaria

Miriam Ibenthal: CD44B-0170 Calibration of a groundwater flow model to determine governing processes that drive groundwater flow between a coastal peatland and the Baltic Sea

Julia Westphal: CD44B-0171 Sulfur Isotope Biogeochemistry of Sediments and Soils from a temperate Coastal-Wetland Transition Zone, Southern Baltic Sea

Nils Karow: CD44B-0172 PIV-LIF Experiments on the Ground Water Discharge in Oceanic Bottom Boundary Layers

Katharina Romoth: CD44B-0180 Peat in Shallow Waters of the Baltic Sea as a Unique Substrate for Macrophytes

Fereidoun Rezanezhad1, Philippe Van Cappellen1 and Bernd Lenartz2, (1)University of Waterloo, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Waterloo, ON, Canada, (2)University of Rostock, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Rostock, Germany: CD44B-0173 Flow and Transport Processes and Biogeochemical Reactivity of Coastal Peatland Soils

Stefan Forster: CD44B-0178 The Potential of Bioirrigation – an Approach to capture Macrofauna Induced Solute Transport at the Sediment-Water Interface with an Index​

CD44B: Land-Ocean Linkages Along Shallow Coastlines Under Human Impact I - Poster Lightning

Oregon Convention Center – Poster Hall Lightning Area 04:00 PM - 04:25 PM

Further Sessions with participation of Baltic TRANSCOAST members​:


E33A The Dynamics of Estuaries and CoastalBuoyancy-Driven Flows II ​

Oregon Convention Center - Oregon Ballroom 201, 2:00-4:00 (Orals)​ 3:00 pm

Xaver Lange: E33A-05 Wind-induced preconditioning of river plumes in non-tidal estuaries


BN11A: Biogeochemical Processes Across Oxic-AnoxicTransitions I ​​

Oregon Convention Center - D135-D136 (Orals) 08:45 am

Simon Langer: BN11A-04 Redox Sensitive Polyphosphates in Filamentous Sulfur Bacteria Visualized by NanoSIMS


More information regarding OSM 2018 program:

Scientific Program OSM 2018 

OSM home


More information about Baltic TRANSCOAST Project can be found here:​​​​



Feb 09
Part II Video Bubble Shuttle - California Expedition

Part 2 - Video Bubble Shuttle:​​

(by Sebastian Jordan - an associated PhD Student of DFG-Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST GRK 2000​)

​Impression of our fieldwork in front of Santa Barbara and an interview with Ira Leifer about the bubble shuttle project and its hypothetical influence on shallow seep ecosystems.

Eindrücke unserer Forschungsarbeiten vor Santa Barbara und ein Interview mit Ira Leifer über das Bubble Shuttle Projekt und den mögliche Einfluss auf Flachwasserseep-Gebiete.

​Video: Sebastian Jordan
Project: ​​Bubble Shuttle - Transport of methane oxidizing microbes from the sediment into the water column through gas bubbles, DFG SCHM 2530/7-1​

PI: Oliver Schmale (​)

PhD student: Sebastian Jordan

Part 1, by Jens Müller, IOW:

Okt 22
Experimental investigations of Hütelmoor-soils with Mercator Fellow Fereidoun Rezanezhad from the Ecohydrology Research Group, University of Waterloo

Baltic TRANSCOAST PhD student Matthias Kreuzburg is visiting Mercator Fellow Fereidoun Rezanezhad at University of Waterloo in Canada from September to December 2017. Matthias and Fereidoun are conducting a multi- component/interdisciplinary column experiment to advance the fundamental, process-based understanding of the biogeochemical processes governing carbon and nutrient transformations and exchange of trace gases in shallow waters impacted by terrestrial nutrient input from a coastal peatland.


Aug 18
Bubble Shuttle - California Expedition 2017
Sebastian Jordan is involved in the California Expedition 2017 as PhD Student from the "Bubble Shuttle project" funded by DFG SCHM 2530/7-1. He is an associated PhD Student within the Baltic TRANSCOAST Research Training Group funded by DFG GRK 2000.

Bubble Shuttle - California Expedition 2017 from Jens Müller on Vimeo.

Jul 25
EMB Cruise 2017 from July 24th to 31st

Baltic TRANSCOAST researchers and IOW researchers (Cruise leader Prof. Dr. Gregor Rehder) on research vessel FS "Elisabeth Mann Borgese" (EMB)​ in action on the Baltic Sea near our study site "NSG Hütelmoor und Heiligensee". More information follow shortly...

Marine Traffic EMB tracking Link​

Picture: Lutz Graupeter,


Mai 11
Baltic TRANSCOAST at Science Night 2017, 27th of April, University of Rostock

​Baltic TRANSCOAST research goes public!

Baltic TRANSCOAST (Research Training Group, financed by DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) took part in the Science Night 2017 (Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften), which took place on Thursday 27 April, 06:00 pm - 10:00 pm, in Rostock. Our booth was located in hall of Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Justus von Liebig Weg 6b, 18059 Rostock, access Satower Straße (Foyer) - Campus Südstadt. We wish to convey our thanks and appreciation to all Baltic TRANSCAOST colleagues and friends as well as the organization team for their commitment and successful work at the Science Night 2017. We would like to extend our thanks to all of the people involved with the Science Night event who gave the visitors (rush) in-depth and very exciting insights into their work, in particluar: Manon, Stefan, Julia, Xaver, Paul, Fouzia, Julia, Lara, Nora, Veronika, Matthias, Johannes (at Baltic TRANSCOAST booth) and Nils (fluid mechanics booth) and Katharina (scientific diving booth).

20170427_173339.jpg Young participants displayed great interest in influx model (Einstrommodell Ostsee) explained by a PhD Student. (Picture: N. Greve, Baltic TRANSCOAST, 2017)

Typical salinity distribution along Baltic Sea track (click for a YouTube video demo of the model)

20170427_174942.jpgYoungsters are highly interested in the colorful model demonstrating the transport of oxygen from worm burrows (Picture: N.Greve/Baltic TRANSCOAST, 2017)

20170427_180830.jpgGo on a treasure hunt. What can be discovered in the sea sand? (Picture: N.Greve, Baltic TRANSCOAST, 2017)

20170427_191352.jpg Children and families study the hidden world of the Baltic Sea - study microscopically diatoms (Diatomeen-Kieselalgen) beauties of algae (Picture: N.Greve/Baltic TRANSCOAST, 2017)



Diatoms (Diatomeen-Kieselalgen) and radiolaria are the first link in the food chain of marine life. The outer 'shells' of the diatoms can withstand forces of several hundred micronewtons (equivalent to several hundred tonnes per square metre) and protect the algae against a broad spectrum of organisms (zooplankton) which try to break them up. (Picture: Kana Kuriyama)

The audience was very interested in our interdisciplinary project and the opportunity to "feel and touch" science (Picture: N.Greve/Baltic TRANSCOST, 2017)

Website of Baltic TRANSCOAST

Mrz 07
​Land-based geophysical approaches to investigate the extension of the Subterranean Estuary in cooperation with CAU-Kiel

In the beginning of February 2017 another cooperation started with the University of Kiel in which geophysical methods such as Seismics, Geoelectrics and Ground-penetrating radar where used to gain knowledge about the subterranean coastal zones.

Shallow coastal peatlands are characterized by intense hydrological interactions between land and sea, comprising e.g. submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), inundations of the peatland with seawater as well as surface water runoff through channel constructions. Properties of water within coastal fens highly impacts comprising ecosystems and future sea level rise may alter biogeochemical processes in coastal peatland considerably. The coastlines constitute the converging interface between fresh- and saltwater environments but most of the dilution processes happening in the sediments and are therefore "invisible".

Geophysical surveys applied by the team of Ercan Erkul from the University of Kiel allow an indirect imaging of the sub-bottom characteristics, which are influenced by at least two water components: seawater from the Baltic Sea and freshwater from the Hütelmoor.

Author: Matthias Kreuzburg / Baltic TRANSCOAST

 researchers_apply_geophysical_methods_picture_M_Naumann_Prof_Geodäsie Geoinformatik_uni_rostock_01_02_2017.jpg

„Researchers from Kiel University apply geophysical methods (Seismics, Geoelectrics and Ground-penetrating radar) to investigate the sub-surface at the interface of the peatland and the coast. Picture: M. Naumann, Professur für Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Uni Rostock, 01.02.2017


Left: Observation of the seismic signals, right: deployment of the cable for the geoelectric survey. Pictures: Miriam Ibenthal, University of Rostock, 01.02.2017

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